Elektronik > Perangkat Audio & Speaker > Kabel & Konverter Audio & Video > Cable power supply psu cpu eyota 1.8m 3x 0.75mm original - Kabel power cord to c13 1.8 meter for pc monitor etc
Detail Cable power supply psu cpu eyota 1.8m 3x 0.75mm original - Kabel power cord to c13 1.8 meter for pc monitor etc
Deskripsi Kabel Power PC EYOTA 1.8m Description: - Kabel lebih tebal dan kokoh - Original EYOTA - Tegangan : 250 V - Daya output : 16 A - Diameter : 3 x 0.75 mm - Material : Tembaga - Panjang : 1.8 meter
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Cable power supply psu cpu eyota 1.8m 3x 0.75mm original - Kabel power cord to c13 1.8 meter for pc monitor etcCable power supply psu cpu eyota 1.8m 3x 0.75mm original - Kabel power cord to c13 1.8 meter for pc monitor etc