Detail VGA Switch And Splitter 2 Input x 2 Output Adapter
Features : • 2 Roads VGA Input, 2 Roads VGA Output Synchronously. • RGB : Bandwidth 250Mhz • Resolution : 1920 x 1440 • Key-Press Switch • Extend control by RJ11
1. Key switch : when key is UP(OFF) or DOWN(ON), PC1 or PC2 is input. 2. RJ11 extension control : when key is up you can use RJ11 extension control as below : use a 6P2C phone cable insert RJ11, use a key switch in the otherside, the key switch is ON or OFF. PC1 or PC2 is input you selected.
Note : whitchever control way you selected, the key switch or the RJ11 extension controller must be in OFF.
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VGA Switch And Splitter 2 Input x 2 Output AdapterVGA Switch And Splitter 2 Input x 2 Output AdapterVGA Switch And Splitter 2 Input x 2 Output AdapterVGA Switch And Splitter 2 Input x 2 Output AdapterVGA Switch And Splitter 2 Input x 2 Output Adapter