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Socket Surge Protector APC PM5T-GR 5oulets- Colokan Anti Petir PM5T-GR
OUTPUT Number of Outlets : 5.0 Receptacle Style : CEE 7 Schuko
INPUT Nominal Input Voltage : 230V Input frequency : 50 Hz Input Connections : Schuko CEE 7/7P Cord Length : 1.83meters Number of Power Cords : 1 Input Power : 2300.0Watts Maximum Input Current : 10.0A
SURGE PROTECTION & FILTERING Surge energy rating : 918Joules Data Line Protection : RJ-11 Modem/Fax protection ts_nm_surge_response : 1ns Peak Current Common Mode : 24kAmps
PHYSICAL Maximum Height : 56MM, 5.6CM Maximum Width : 370MM, 37.0CM Maximum Depth : 73MM, 7.3CM
ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature : 0 - 40 °C Operating Relative Humidity : 0 - 95 (no % Operating Elevation : 0-15000meters Storage Temperature : -15 - 45 °C Storage Relative Humidity : 0 - 95 % Storage Elevation : 0-15000meters
CONFORMANCE Approvals : CE Standard warranty : 2Years
nb : * Selama produk tayang = Ready stok
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Terima kasih. Happy shopping 😊
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Socket Surge Protector APC PM5T-GR 5oulets- Colokan Anti Petir PM5T-GRSocket Surge Protector APC PM5T-GR 5oulets- Colokan Anti Petir PM5T-GRSocket Surge Protector APC PM5T-GR 5oulets- Colokan Anti Petir PM5T-GR