Detail PSU ABKONCORE MIGHTY 500W 80+ Flat Non Modular Power Supply Garansi 7 Tahun
Extra bubble wrap dan packing kayu untuk keamanan paket agan agar barang lebih aman pada saat proses pengiriman (REKOMENDASI) - Packing Kayu - Extra Bubble Wrap
Model name Mighty 500W
Main color the black
Form factor ATX
Certification ATX12V version 2.5
80 PLUS certificate White
Power Factor Corrector (PFC) active (APFC)
Parameters Mains input voltage range 200-240 V, 3.5 A, 50-60 Hz
Power 500 watts
Power on the 12V line 456 Wt
Line current +3.3 V 20 A
Line current +5 V 20 A
+12 V line current 38 A
Line current -12 V 0.4 A
Standby current (+ 5V Standby) 2.5 A
Cables and connectors Modular cable connection Not
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PSU ABKONCORE MIGHTY 500W 80+ Flat Non Modular Power Supply Garansi 7 TahunPSU ABKONCORE MIGHTY 500W 80+ Flat Non Modular Power Supply Garansi 7 TahunPSU ABKONCORE MIGHTY 500W 80+ Flat Non Modular Power Supply Garansi 7 TahunPSU ABKONCORE MIGHTY 500W 80+ Flat Non Modular Power Supply Garansi 7 TahunPSU ABKONCORE MIGHTY 500W 80+ Flat Non Modular Power Supply Garansi 7 Tahun