NUX Mini Studio brings 8 Guitar Cabinets + 8 Bass Cabinets + 8 Acoustic Guitar IRs into 1 pocket-size pedal.
Each impulse response (IR) file captured from its own original source is processed with state-of-the-art audio technology. At the end of the signal chain, Mini Studio amazingly re-produces cabinet sound and tastefully enhances the audio signal.
Guitar Cabinets (Default Setting) LED indicator is RED, all the default IR slots are Guitar Cabinets: Bass Cabinets Hold the footswitch for 2 seconds, LED indicator changes to ORANGE. Now it's Bass Cabinets: Acoustic Guitar IRs Hold the footswitch for 2 seconds again, LED indicator changes to GREEN. Now it's Acoustic Guitar IRs: DR112 AMP SV810 G J15 EG Magnetic Fender Deluxe Reverb Ampeg SV810 Gibson J15 for Electric Guitar Magnetic PU TR212 AMP SV410 + Tweeter G J15 Piezo Fender Twin Reverb 212 Ampeg SV410 + Tweeter Gibson J15 for Acoustic Guitar Piezo under saddle PU 1960 Bassguy 410 M D45 Piezo Marshall 1960A 412 Fender Bassman 410 Martin D45 for Acoustic Guitar Piezo under saddle PU V412 AMP SV212 T 814 Piezo Celestion Vintage30 412 Ampeg SV212 Taylor 814 for Acoustic Guitar Piezo under saddle PU JZ120 AGL DB810 G HBird EG Magnetic Roland Jazz 120 Aguilar DB 810 Gibson Hummingbird for Electric Guitar Magnetic PU BS410 MKB 410 M D45 EG Magnetic Fender Bassman 410 Mark Bass 410 Martin D45 for Electric Guitar Magnetic PU A212 TRC 410 G HBird Piezo VOX AC30 212 Trace Elliot 410 Gibson Hummingbird for Acoustic Guitar Piezo under saddle PU GB412 eden 410 M HD28 Piezo Celestion Greenback 412
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NUX NSS3 NSS-3 NSS 3 Mini Studio Speaker Cabinet SimulatorNUX NSS3 NSS-3 NSS 3 Mini Studio Speaker Cabinet Simulator