Detail Module DHT11 - Digital temperature and humidity sensor for Arduino
DHT11 DIGITAL SENSOR SUHU DAN KELEMBABAN Pin Description 1. the VDD power supply 3.5 ~ 5.5V DC 2. DATA serial data, a single bus 3. NC 4. GND ground, the negative power
Humidity : Resolution: 16Bit Repeatability: 1% RH Accuracy: At 25 C 5% RH Interchangeability: fully interchangeable Response time: 1 / e (63%) of 25 C 6s 1m / s air 6s Hysteresis: 0 .3% RH Long-term stability: < 0.5% RH / yr in
Temperature Resolution: 16Bit Repeatability: 0.2 C Range: At 25 C 2C Response time: 1 / e (63%) 10S
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Module DHT11 - Digital temperature and humidity sensor for Arduino