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==================== Say hello to an exciting lashes collections from Lavie together with the well known Celebrity MUA, Ryan Ogilvy. Curated by none other than Ryan himself, these 'Sunrise' and 'Sunset' lashes will be your best friend and your 'lover' for all occasions. You can wear it solo or double date it with any of your favorite lashes. 'Sunrise' will set add a sultry, demure look. Handcrafted with the softest Natural Hair, these lashes will blend seamlessly into your natural lashes. Love yourself first, and then love others!
Include 1 mini adhesive inside the box. ====================
Belanja nyaman di Perfect Beauty. Dapatkan jaminan:
* 100% Product Original: Kami bekerjasama dengan pemegang merek dan supplier resmi di Indonesia. * Ketersediaan Stock: Bila anda bisa click tombol "Beli" stock pasti tersedia. Sistem canggih kami selalu meng-update stock sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir karena stock pasti terjamin saat pemesanan. * Exp Date: Dapatkan jaminan tanggal kadaluarsa minimal 1 tahun dari tanggal pembelian.^ * ^ Ketentuan Khusus: Untuk produk dengan tanggal kadaluarsa kurang dari 1 tahun, kami akan cantumkan tgl exp date pada deskripsi produk.
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Lavie Lash x Ryan OgilvyLavie Lash x Ryan OgilvyLavie Lash x Ryan OgilvyLavie Lash x Ryan OgilvyLavie Lash x Ryan Ogilvy