Detail Lavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash Adhesive
Video perkenalan produk Lavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash Adhesive. Sumber: Shopee.
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==================== Graduate from your old ways to this revolutionary glueliner.
Line N' Lash from Lavie Beauty is an innovative liquid liner that is infused with lash adhesive solution that will make your lash application process 100 times easier!
Our 'Line N Lash' is totally foolproof and can be easily tucked into your makeup bag for on-the-go touchups! It has everything you'll ever want in an eyeliner and lash adhesive combined!
• 2 in 1 eyeliner & eyelash glue • Precision brush tip liner in jet black • Long lasting, waterproof & mudgeproof • BPOM certified • Fast drying time ====================
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Lavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash AdhesiveLavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash AdhesiveLavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash AdhesiveLavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash AdhesiveLavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash AdhesiveLavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash AdhesiveLavie Lash Line N' Lash 2in1 Eyeliner & Lash Adhesive