Detail Kamera palsu untuk iPhone XR to iP 13 back film +(Casing ponsel transparan gratis)
Kamera palsu untuk iPhone XR to iP 13 back film +(Casing ponsel transparan gratis) (Pembelian satu dapat memberikan tas lembut transparan yang sesuai)
Film belakang lembut lensa kamera all-in-one
Nama Produk: Film cincin lensa ponsel terintegrasi Bahan produk: paduan titanium + cermin komposit (kaca organik) Proses produk: stamping mekanis. Kaca plexiglass asli, tahan gores, tahan abrasi, tanpa bekas, tanpa cermin plastik. Pembukaan cetakan 1:1 mesin nyata, tidak perlu dibongkar, dan tidak menghalangi kerja asli lensa. Perlindungan lensa stereo, posisi lubang setinggi 0,3 mm.
Isi Kemasan: 1 x lensa kaca 1 x tisu 1 x tisu kering
******************************************* All-in-one camera lens soft rear film (Purchase one can give away the corresponding transparent soft bag)
Product name: Integrated mobile phone lens ring film Product material: titanium alloy + composite mirror (organic glass) Product process: mechanical stamping. Real plexiglass, scratch-resistant, abrasion-resistant, no trace, no plastic mirror. The real machine 1:1 mold opening, no need to disassemble, and does not hinder the original work of the lens. Stereo lens protection, the hole position is 0.3mm high.
Package Included: 1 x glass lens 1 x wipes 1 x dry wipes