ESP8266 NodeMCU LUA V2 Amica CP2102 NodeMCU v2 ESP8266 Wifi Versi Amica adalah development board dgn open source yg dapat digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi IoT hanya dgn bbrp baris Lua script langsung melalui USB.
Detail Produk: ++ Based ESP8266 Serial WiFi SoC dengan onboard USB to TTL menggunakan IC CP2102 (USB to UART Bridge Virtual COM Port) ++ Wireless standard : IEEE 802.11b/g/n ++ 6 x Digital I/O, 3 x PWM Channels, 1 x ADC Channel ++ Full I/O control through WiFi network ++ GPIO with 15mA current drive capability ++ Supports Smart Link intelligent networking ++ Built in 32-bit MCU ++ Built-in TCP/IP protocol stack, and support multiple TCP Client connection ++ UART/GPIO data communication interface