Deskripsi: ================================= ESP-12F Merupakan versi upgrade dari ESP-12E, modul low cost yang digemari pecinta IoT. Dibandingkan dengan pendahulunya, ESP-12F memiliki keunggulan sebagai berikut : 1. Desain four-layer board baru sehingga modul lebih stabil 2. Desain antenna RF baru sehingga meningkatkan performanya hingga 30%-50%
Dengan modul ini agan bisa konek ke jaringan internet melalui Wi-Fi. Terdapat juga GPIO yang bisa agan program seperti microcontroller, memorinya 4Mb gan. Kecil-kecil cabe rawit dah ini barang :D
Untuk modul ini SUDAH SEPAKET dengan adapter plate ESP-12F nya yah gan :))
Silahkan di ORDER!!!! :D
Description: ================================= ESP8266-12F is an enhanced version ESP8266-12E, improve peripheral circuitry increases impedance matching, the signal output is better, whether it is stable or anti-jamming capability, have been greatly improved! For users before selecting the ESP-12, it does not matter even if the product has been made, enhanced version is fully compatible with previous firmware, the pin has added six IO ports on the basis of the ESP-12, SPI leads
Specifications: ================================= - Dimensions: 24mm x16mm x 3mm / 0.9" x 0.6" x 0.1" - Semi-hole chip technology, the whole IO leads, with metal shielding shell - Passed FCC & CE & RoHS certification - Built-board PCB antenna - 4M bytes SPI Flash for programming.
Paket : ================================= - 1 x ESP8266 ESP-12F WIFI WIRELESS REMOTE SERIAL TRANSCEIVER MODULE