Detail EKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) Vertical
EK-UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) Vertical
EK-UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) Vertical is a horizontal and vertical mounting adapter for pump and combo unit installation. It is compatible with EK-XTOP Revo D5, EK-XTOP Revo DDC, EK-XTOP SPC pumps and EK-XRES Revo D5, EK-Xres DDC, EK-XRES SPC combo units. The bracket mounts to any 120mm fan hole pattern.
Uni Pump Bracket
This product is compatible with the following EK products: - EK-XRES Revo D5 series (any) - EK-XTOP Revo D5 series (any) - EK-XRES DDC series (any) - EK-XTOP DDC series (any) - EK-XRES SPC series (any) - EK-XTOP SPC series (any)
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