Detail EKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) Vertical
EK-UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) Vertical
EK-UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) Vertical is a horizontal and vertical mounting adapter for pump and combo unit installation. It is compatible with EK-XTOP Revo D5, EK-XTOP Revo DDC, EK-XTOP SPC pumps and EK-XRES Revo D5, EK-Xres DDC, EK-XRES SPC combo units. The bracket mounts to any 120mm fan hole pattern.
Uni Pump Bracket
This product is compatible with the following EK products: - EK-XRES Revo D5 series (any) - EK-XTOP Revo D5 series (any) - EK-XRES DDC series (any) - EK-XTOP DDC series (any) - EK-XRES SPC series (any) - EK-XTOP SPC series (any)
CATATAN PENTING : * Stock terbatas, silahkan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli. * Barang Baru. * Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim. * Disarankan menggunakan asuransi. * PRODUK INI TIDAK ADA GARANSI dan TIDAK BISA RETUR * Silahkan sertakan Video Unboxing dari awal terima barang saat melakukan komplain, Tanpa video Unboxing kami tidak akan menerima komplain kekurangan dan kerusakan apapun. * MEMBELI BERARTI ANDA SUDAH MEMBACA DAN SETUJU DENGAN ATURAN INI.
Gambar produk
EKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) VerticalEKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) VerticalEKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) VerticalEKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) VerticalEKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) VerticalEKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) VerticalEKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) VerticalEKWB EK UNI Pump Bracket (120mm FAN) Vertical