Detail EKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) White
The EK-Vardar X3M 120ER is a high-static pressure computer cooling fan with added aesthetical interchangeable rubber dampers. Developed in-house and first introduced in 2014, the EK-Vardar fan is now also available as the X3M 120ER model. The rubber details on the corners of the fan are also there to reduce vibration and noise. These rubber dampers come pre-installed for use in push orientation but can be removed and mounted the other way around, for a pull flow orientation. To further make the sound profile more pleasant, airflow optimizations were made to the rotor as well.
EK-Vardar X3M rubber dampers can be purchased separately in various color options to match your build. The available color options are: red, blue, yellow, orange, green, and purple.
Enclosed in the package: - EK-Vardar X3M 120ER - Black - UNC 6-32 (l=10mm) screw set for radiators with optional nuts for case mounting - Allen Key 3mm
Performance characteristics: - Max air flow: 67 CFM = 114 m³/h - Static pressure: 2.75 mm H2O = 27 Pa - Noise level: 34.2 dBA
Mechanical and electrical specifications: - Maximum speed: 2200 rpm (+/- 10%) - Rated Voltage: 12V DC - Power Draw: ~2.16W (0.18A) - PWM Duty Cycle: 25-100% - ER (Extended Range) - Connector: 4-pin PWM header - Bearing Type: Dual-Ball bearing - Bearing durability: 50.000 hrs @ 40°C (MTBF) - Dimensions: 120 x 120 x 27.5 mm - Black cable length: 50cm
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EKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) WhiteEKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) WhiteEKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) WhiteEKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) WhiteEKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) WhiteEKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) WhiteEKWB EK Vardar X3M 120ER (500-2200RPM) White