EK-Scalar Terminal Triple 2-slot is a parallel high-quality interconnection for connecting three (3) same type EK-Vector or EK-FC water blocks in a single, sturdy unit. Connecting multiple graphics has never been this easy and aesthetically pleasing!
The Terminal is made of high-quality Acrylic material. There is no need to purchase additional links since the EK-Scalar terminal is mounted directly to the water block. Serial and parallel water flow is graphically explained in the installation manual.
For use with motherboards with PCIe x16 slots 40.6 mm (1.6") apart!
CATATAN PENTING : * Stock terbatas, silahkan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli. * Barang Baru. * Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim. * Disarankan menggunakan asuransi. * PRODUK INI TIDAK ADA GARANSI dan TIDAK BISA RETUR * Silahkan sertakan Video Unboxing dari awal terima barang saat melakukan komplain, Tanpa video Unboxing kami tidak akan menerima komplain kekurangan dan kerusakan apapun. * MEMBELI BERARTI ANDA SUDAH MEMBACA DAN SETUJU DENGAN ATURAN INI.
Gambar produk
EKWB EK Scalar Triple 2-slot - PlexiEKWB EK Scalar Triple 2-slot - PlexiEKWB EK Scalar Triple 2-slot - PlexiEKWB EK Scalar Triple 2-slot - Plexi