EK-Revo D5 Pump Mount Bisa di gunakan untuk Holder Pompa D5 atau Tabung Reservoir 60mm
The EK-Revo D5 Pump Mount features improved soft rubber shock absorber with enhanced vibration reducing pattern! The EK-Revo D5 Pump is designed to be used with D5 pumps and existing XTOP D5 products from the Revo lineup. Pictured above is the EK-Revo D5 Pump Mount with a D5 pump alongside with the XRES combo unit.
- Mounting clip with rubber insert - Self-adhesive mounting hole pattern sticker - 2 screws for tightening the clip included
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EKWB EK Revo D5 Pump MountEKWB EK Revo D5 Pump MountEKWB EK Revo D5 Pump MountEKWB EK Revo D5 Pump MountEKWB EK Revo D5 Pump MountEKWB EK Revo D5 Pump Mount