The EK-RES X3 - Multiport TOP is an alternative top end cap for EK-RES X3 series reservoir which offers additional port configurations.
This TOP allows installation of three tubes which needs to be purchased separately (appropriate length, depending on the version of the reservoir). These tubes, which are sealed with quality NBR rubber gasket, allow the ports on this TOP to be used as an outlet ports as well.
EK-RES X3 - Multiport TOP is made of quality machined POM Acetal material.
In order to utilize the bottom recessed ports the use of EK-Extender G1/4 - Nickel extenders is mandatory! The extenders are not included!
Enclosed: - EK-RES X3 - Multiport TOP acetal end cap - EK-Plug G1/4 (3 pcs) - spare sealing gasket (o-ring / OR 52x2.5)
This product is compatible with the following EK reservoirs: - EK-RES X3 150 - EK-RES X3 250 - EK-RES X3 400 - EK-DDC X-RES CSQ (ports to be used as an inlet only) - EK-D5 X-RES CSQ (ports to be used as an inlet only)
Made in Slovenia - EU!
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Gambar produk
EKWB EK RES X3 Multiport TOPEKWB EK RES X3 Multiport TOPEKWB EK RES X3 Multiport TOPEKWB EK RES X3 Multiport TOPEKWB EK RES X3 Multiport TOPEKWB EK RES X3 Multiport TOP