EK-RES X3 - Internal Tube 12/16 140mm is an upgrade tube for EK-RES X3 - Multiport TOP which further expands the use of EK-RES X3 series reservoirs. These tubes, which are sealed with quality NBR rubber gasket, allow the ports on EK-RES X3 - Multiport TOP to be used as an outlet (suction) ports as well.
Technical data: - made of high quality acrylic glass - overall dimensions: 12/16mm (ID/OD) - total length: 140mm
Enclosed: - acrylic tube - gasket (o-ring)
Compatible only with the following reservoirs in combination with EK-RES X3 - Multiport TOP: - EK-RES X3 250 - EK-RES X3 400
Made in Slovenia - EU!
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Gambar produk
EKWB EK RES X3 - Internal Tube 12/16 140mmEKWB EK RES X3 - Internal Tube 12/16 140mmEKWB EK RES X3 - Internal Tube 12/16 140mm