Detail EKWB EK Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 - Black
EKWB EK Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 - Black
EK-Quantum Torque Micro Rotary adapter fittings allow you to make a simple 90 turn in the smallest possible footprint and installation height. With an overall installed height of just 21mm, Torque Micro Rotaries can squeeze into the most difficult places where it would be otherwise impossible to make a bend. This means it is 10mm lower in height than the standard 90 EK-Quantum Torque Rotary angled fitting.
Since there is no space for conventional knurling, the base of the fitting extends through an opening in the top face where a 6mm Allen key has to be used to secure it in place. Once secured, the body of the fitting is free to rotate in either direction.
A male G1/4 thread is screwed into the desired port, and a fully rotatable joint allows the female G1/4 port to be directed in any perpendicular direction. You can install components in very close proximity thanks to this.
The centreline of the female G1/4" port is 12.5mm above the mounting surface, the EK-Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 rotary angled adapter is compatible with any STC or HDC EK-Quantum Torque fitting. The width and overall diameter of the base is 16.5mm.
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EKWB EK Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 - BlackEKWB EK Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 - BlackEKWB EK Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 - BlackEKWB EK Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 - BlackEKWB EK Quantum Torque Micro Rotary 90 - Black