EK-Quantum Torque Drain Valve - Black is a premium fitting acting as a perfect draining point in your system. It features a secure cap, in form of a Torque fitting compression ring, and it can even fit an aesthetic color ring for HDC 16 Torque fittings. The secure-cap does not allow you to accidentally open, or leave open the drain valve.
This drain valve has an advantage over the traditional ball valves in terms of size. It has a smaller footprint, secure locking, and an easy open/close mechanism that works on a slide. It has a male thread on one end, allowing you to screw it directly into a G1/4" female port on any water cooling component without the use of an adapter fitting as traditional ball valves do.
Made of CNC machined brass with a satin black finish.
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EKWB EK Quantum Torque Drain Valve - BlackEKWB EK Quantum Torque Drain Valve - BlackEKWB EK Quantum Torque Drain Valve - BlackEKWB EK Quantum Torque Drain Valve - Black