EK-Quantum Kinetic TBE D5 combo unit is the revolution of the most popular pump-reservoir assembly design on the market. The new Kinetic combo units are part of the EK Quantum Line of products and come with sophisticated addressable D-RGB lighting implementation and a genuine D5 pump! The reservoir is equipped with a total of six G1/4“ ports so that users can choose the most optimal setup for their liquid cooling loops.
Pump electrical and mechanical properties: - Motor: Electronically commuted spherical motor - Rated voltage: 12V DC - Power consumption: 23W - Maximum pressure head: 3.9m - Maximum flow: 1500L/h - Maximum system temperature: 60°C - Materials: Stainless steel, PPS-GF40, EPDM O-rings, Aluminium oxide, hard coal - Power connector: 4-Pin Molex- and 4-Pin PWM FAN connector
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