EK-Quantum Convection DDC - Nickel is an aluminum heatsink for DDC pumps. This add-on vastly improves the cooling performance of the motor and electronics and thus prolongs the lifespan of the water pump. It is made of CNC-machined aluminum that is nickel plated.
Optimal heat transfer is ensured by the use of an enclosed thermal pad. Due to its metallic construction and finned design EK-Quantum Convection DDC amplifies the effect of airflow therefore placing the water pump in front of any fan or radiator will dramatically improve the cooling performance.
This product is compatible with the following products:
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Gambar produk
EKWB EK Quantum Convection DDC - NickelEKWB EK Quantum Convection DDC - NickelEKWB EK Quantum Convection DDC - NickelEKWB EK Quantum Convection DDC - NickelEKWB EK Quantum Convection DDC - NickelEKWB EK Quantum Convection DDC - NickelEKWB EK Quantum Convection DDC - Nickel