EK-M.2 NVMe Heatsink is a passive heatsink for M.2 NVMe Next Generation Form Factor SSDs. It is a much needed aesthetical and functional heatsink for many PC owners. It is not a secret that M.2 NVMe SSDs can overheat very easily and be subdued to thermal throttling, thus losing performance. The heatsink brings 7-30°C improvement in SSDs temperatures, or even more with sufficient air flow.
The EK-M.2 NVMe Heatsink is compatible with all single sided type 2280 M.2 NVMe SSDs (22mm wide, 80mm long). Because the heatsink consists of a front and backplate as well, the compatibility is limited to M.2 (NGFF) connectors of 4.2mm height (as seen from examples).
- EK-M.2 NVMe Heatsink front cover - nickel - EK-M.2 NVMe Heatsink backplate - black - Mounting clips - Thermal pad 0.5mm - Thermal pad 1mm - Thermal pads
Made in Slovenia - Europe!
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EKWB EK M.2 NVMe Heatsink NickelEKWB EK M.2 NVMe Heatsink NickelEKWB EK M.2 NVMe Heatsink NickelEKWB EK M.2 NVMe Heatsink NickelEKWB EK M.2 NVMe Heatsink NickelEKWB EK M.2 NVMe Heatsink Nickel