The EK-Leak Tester is a fast and safe way of testing for possible leaks in your liquid cooling loop. While traditional leak testing works, it requires hours before very small leaks are detected and then things can become messy. The EK-Leak Tester does the job almost instantly!
The main body is a solid piece of CNC machined aluminum. One end is fitted with a revolvable male G1/4" connection port so it can be directly screwed into any standard port in your liquid cooling loop. The gauge is custom made for liquid cooling loop testing purposes which clearly marks the safe pressure for testing. The other side of the tester is hooked up with a valve which will make sure that no air is escaping through the tester unit itself. The small pump for pressurizing the loop is also included.
In order to prevent damage to your liquid cooling loop, keep the pressure only in the predefined zone marked on the gauge. Please read the user manual before using the EK-Leak Tester!
Keep in mind that the pre-defined safe maximum pressure defined on the gauge is for EK products only. EK cannot guarantee for non-EK products failing under the predefined safe zone marked on the gauge.
- EK-Leak tester - Small pump
Assembled in Slovenia - Europe!
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Gambar produk
EKWB EK Leak TesterEKWB EK Leak TesterEKWB EK Leak TesterEKWB EK Leak TesterEKWB EK Leak Tester