The EK-HD PETG Inserts are EK's way of battling against potential hazards that the use of PETG tubes present.
PETG tubes are extremely popular because of the ease of use and their flexibility. On the other hand, PETG tubing is prone to deformation when exposed to high temperatures (40°C and above). The deformation rate depends on the duration and maximum temperature reached. These temperatures can be reached with pump failures, water block clogging, etc.
The EK-HD PETG Inserts provide a safety measure for 16mm OD / 12mm ID PETG tubes which prevents the tube wall from collapsing inside the compression fitting.
The EK-HD PETG Insert is low profile and it is not visible when in use with any of the EK hard tubing fittings.
Technical specifications:
- Material: Black ABS
- EK-HD PETG Insert 12/16
CATATAN PENTING : * Stock terbatas, silahkan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli. * Barang Baru. * Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim. * Disarankan menggunakan asuransi. * PRODUK INI TIDAK ADA GARANSI dan TIDAK BISA RETUR * Silahkan sertakan Video Unboxing dari awal terima barang saat melakukan komplain, Tanpa video Unboxing kami tidak akan menerima komplain kekurangan dan kerusakan apapun. * MEMBELI BERARTI ANDA SUDAH MEMBACA DAN SETUJU DENGAN ATURAN INI.
Gambar produk
EKWB EK HD PETG Insert 12/16mm (Per PCS)EKWB EK HD PETG Insert 12/16mm (Per PCS)EKWB EK HD PETG Insert 12/16mm (Per PCS)EKWB EK HD PETG Insert 12/16mm (Per PCS)