EK-FC Terminal X2 S 3-slot - Plexi is a high-quality parallel interconnection for connecting two (2) same type EK Full-Cover water blocks in a single, sturdy unit. Connecting multiple full cover water blocks with such a terminal is an easy and straightforward process.
The Terminal is made of high-quality Acrylic material. There is no need to purchase additional links or fittings since the EK-FC Terminal is mounted directly to the water block. Serial and parallel water flow is graphically explained in the installation manual.
Included: - 1x EK-FC Terminal X2 S 3-slot - Plexi - 2x Plug G1/4 - 1x mounting mechanism (spare Terminal O-ring and spare screw. All other parts are to be reused from the FC Blocks)
For use with motherboards with PCIe x16 slots 60.9 mm (2.4") apart!
CATATAN PENTING : * Stock terbatas, silahkan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli. * Barang Baru. * Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim. * Disarankan menggunakan asuransi. * PRODUK INI TIDAK ADA GARANSI dan TIDAK BISA RETUR * Silahkan sertakan Video Unboxing dari awal terima barang saat melakukan komplain, Tanpa video Unboxing kami tidak akan menerima komplain kekurangan dan kerusakan apapun. * MEMBELI BERARTI ANDA SUDAH MEMBACA DAN SETUJU DENGAN ATURAN INI.
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EKWB EK FC Terminal X2 3-slot - PlexiEKWB EK FC Terminal X2 3-slot - PlexiEKWB EK FC Terminal X2 3-slot - Plexi