Detail EKWB EK CoolStream XE 120 (Single) (Ketebalan 60mm)
EK-CoolStream XE 120 (Single) (Ketebalan 60mm)
EK-CoolStream XE is a extreme-performance computer liquid cooling radiator which combines EK's unique CSQ design with latest radiator core engine. Built for EK-Vardar 120mm high static pressure fans, these radiators are optimized for maximum heat dissipation across entire fan operational range thus delivering exceptional performance at both low- and high airflow operation.
EK assured quality level, optimal price-performance ratio and unique minimalistic design make these EK-CoolStream XE series radiators a perfect choice for any computer water cooled system.
Dimensions: 160 x 130 x 60mm (L x W x H) Weight: 0.85kg Liquid Capacity: ~230mL FPI: 16 Port threads: 4x G1/4 Fan compatibility: any standard size 120x120x25mm fan; UNC 6-32 thread tapping Pressure tested: 1bar(g)
Enclosed: - EK-CoolStream XE series radiator /w two pre-installed G1/4 extenders - Flat-head UNC 6-32 screws (l=30mm) - Flat-head UNC 6-32 screws (l=5mm) - Allen key 2,5mm - Allen key 9mm - Allen key 6mm
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