Detail DUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 500 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarm
Composition: Contains per ml solution: Ivermect!n ..................................................10 mg
Description: Dufamec 1% is an injectable solution containing ivermectin, an antiparasitic agent with activity against many endo- and ectoparasites.
Indications: Endo- and ectoparasitic infections in cattle, sheep, swine, dogs and cats, caused by parasites susceptible to ivermectin. - Cattle: Gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, eye worms, warbles, mites and lice. - Sheep: Psoroptic mange (sheep scab), gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms and nasal bots. - Swine: Gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, lice and mange mites. - Dogs: Gastrointestinal nematodes, infective-stage heartworms, microfilariae, arthropods and ear mites. - Cats: Gastrointestinal nematodes and lungworms.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ivermect!ne. Do not use in dog breeds with genetic sensibility to iver m ec tin (Old English Sheepdog, German Sheepherd, Collie) or in other animal species as severe reactions may occur.
Dosage and administration: For subcutaneous administration. Recommended dose: 0.2 mg ivermect!n per kg, swine 0.3 mg ivermect!n per kg body weight. - Cattle ................................... 1 ml per 50 kg body weight - Sheep ................................ 0.5 ml per 25 kg body weight - Swine.................................... 1 ml per 33 kg body weight - Dogs and cats ................... 0.1 ml per 5 kg body weight Dose accurately to prevent development of resistance caused by underdosing.
Withdrawal times: Meat: 21 days (cattle and sheep) 28 days (swine). Do not use in cows producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows within 28 days prior to calving.
Storage conditions: Store dark and below 25°C. Do not freeze.
Packing: 500 ml
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DUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 500 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarmDUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 500 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarmDUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 500 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarmDUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 500 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarm