Detail DUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 50 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarm
Composition: Contains per ml solution: Ivermect!n ..................................................10 mg
Description: Dufamec 1% is an injectable solution containing ivermect!n, an antiparasitic agent with activity against many endo- and ectoparasites.
Indications: Endo- and ectoparasitic infections in cattle, sheep, swine, dogs and cats, caused by parasites susceptible to ivermect!n. - Cattle: Gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, eye worms, warbles, mites and lice. - Sheep: Psoroptic mange (sheep scab), gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms and nasal bots. - Swine: Gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworms, lice and mange mites. - Dogs: Gastrointestinal nematodes, infective-stage heartworms, microfilariae, arthropods and ear mites. - Cats: Gastrointestinal nematodes and lungworms.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to ivermect!ne. Do not use in dog breeds with genetic sensibility to ivermect!n (Old English Sheepdog, German Sheepherd, Collie) or in other animal species as severe reactions may occur.
Dosage and administration: For subcutaneous administration. Recommended dose: 0.2 mg ivermect!n per kg, swine 0.3 mg ivermect!n per kg body weight. - Cattle ................................... 1 ml per 50 kg body weight - Sheep ................................ 0.5 ml per 25 kg body weight - Swine.................................... 1 ml per 33 kg body weight - Dogs and cats ................... 0.1 ml per 5 kg body weight Dose accurately to prevent development of resistance caused by underdosing.
Withdrawal times: Meat: 21 days (cattle and sheep) 28 days (swine). Do not use in cows producing milk for human consumption. Do not use in non-lactating dairy cows within 28 days prior to calving.
Storage conditions: Store dark and below 25°C. Do not freeze.
Packing: 50 ml
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DUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 50 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarmDUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 50 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarmDUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 50 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarmDUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 50 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarmDUFAMEC 1% Injeksi 50 mL | Obat Scabies Gudig Kutu dan Cacing Pada Sapi Kambing Domba dan Babi | DutchFarm