Detail Dompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with box
Video perkenalan produk Dompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with box. Sumber: Shopee.
Informasi produk
Warna : hitam Bahan : Kulit sintetis Ukuran : Panjang 15.5cm x Tinggi 10cm Slot uang : 1 Slot kartu : 14 Slot foto : 4 + 1 Slot tambahan : 4 + 1 zipper *ada dua kancing didepan agar bisa disesuaikan dengan tebal/tipisnya dompet*
Free Exclusive Box dan dustbag sesuai foto
Gambar produk
Dompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with boxDompet lidah kancing import TB*F3NDl emboss with box