Deskripsi: ================================= RF 433MHz adalah modul yang sangat ekonomis untuk komunikasi wireless antar arduino. Harganya paling murah diantara modul komunikasi wireless lainnya gan. :D
Satu pasang terdiri dari transmitter dan receiver yang bekerja pada tegangan 5V. Banyak contoh aplikasi yang bisa menggunakan modul ini seperti home automation, remote control, anti theft kendaraan dll.
Technical parameters of the transmitter head: 1. Product Model: MX-FS-03V 2. Launch distance :20-200 meters (different voltage, different results) 3. Operating voltage :3.5-12V 4. Dimensions: 19 * 19mm 5. Operating mode: AM 6. Transfer rate: 4KB / S 7. Transmitting power: 10mW 8. Transmitting frequency: 433M 9. An external antenna: 25cm ordinary multi-core or single-core line 10. Pinout from left right: (DATA; VCC; GND)
Fitur: ================================= - VCC voltage module operating voltage and good power filtering; - Great influence on the antenna module reception, preferably connected to the wavelength of the antenna, typically 50 ohm single conductor, the length of the antenna 433M of about 17cm; - Antenna position has also affected the reception of the module, the installation, the antenna as possible straight away from the shield, high pressure, and interference source; frequency used to receive, decode and oscillation resistor should match with the transmitter.