Zoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado Natal
Zoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado Natal
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Ibu & Bayi > Mainan > Mainan & Playmat Bayi > Zoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado Natal
Detail Zoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado Natal
Video perkenalan produk Zoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado Natal. Sumber: Shopee.
Fungsi 😍 Melatih koordinasi tangan-mata anak 😍 Melatih kemampuan pemecahan masalah anak
Spesifikasi 🔸 Puzzle melingkar, mengenalkan anak tentang luar angkasa agar anak senang belajar tata surya dengan gambar-gambar menarik di dalam puzzle 🔸 Desain portabel menambah kesenangan, penyimpanan preferensi hadiah yang mudah ️🔸 Memiliki bahan yang aman dan tepi yang halus ️🔸 150 Pcs Puzzle 🎁 Bagus untuk kado 👍🏻 ️🔸 Puzzle Size : 52.8 x 52.8 cm ️🔸 Packaging size: 22 x 12 x 22cm 🔸 Berat : 2950gr 🔸 Variant: - Mideer - Wandering Through The Space Puzzle 150 Pcs - Mideer - A Day In The Forest Puzzle 150 Pcs - Mideer - Round Puzzle Dive into the Sea 150pcs
Material 🔸 Karton tebal
Garansi 🔸 Max 3 hari setelah barang diterima 🔸 Garansi berlaku jika ada video unboxing, dan pada video terlihat cacat pada barang tersebut
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Zoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado NatalZoetoys Mideer Wandering Through The Space Round Puzzle 150 Pcs | A Day In The Forest | Dive into the Sea | Bulat Cari Kado Natal