ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI

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Detail ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI

Versi lite dari ZHU Skylark.

Straight down dan tanpa detachable

Dipake nyaman bangettt karena housing kecil sound quality pun bagus banget diharga segini wajib di koleksi guys...

NB: No Warranty

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ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI
ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI
ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI
ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI
ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI
ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI
ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI
ZHU NIGHTINGALE with Mic Super Small Earphone In Ear Monitor HIFI