Detail ZEALOT S61 Speaker Bluetooth Subwoofer Stereo with Microphone
ZEALOT S61 Speaker Bluetooth Subwoofer Stereo with Microphone
Fitur produk:
Kapasitas baterai: 3000mah Versi Bluetooth: 5.0 Pengeras suara: 30W Jarak transmisi: 10m Respons frekuensi: 100Hz-20KHz Rasio sinyal terhadap kebisingan: ≥ 85dB Tegangan kerja: 3.7V Distorsi: <1% Tegangan pengisian daya: DC5V Antarmuka pengisian daya: tipe-c Waktu bermain: 3.5 jam Waktu siaga: ≥ 90 hari Waktu pengisian daya: 6-10 jam Ukuran: 103*103*170mm Berat: 633g
Daftar kemasan:
1x speaker bluetooth ZEALOT S61 1x kabel pengisian daya 1x panduan penggun
Gambar produk
ZEALOT S61 Speaker Bluetooth Subwoofer Stereo with MicrophoneZEALOT S61 Speaker Bluetooth Subwoofer Stereo with MicrophoneZEALOT S61 Speaker Bluetooth Subwoofer Stereo with MicrophoneZEALOT S61 Speaker Bluetooth Subwoofer Stereo with MicrophoneZEALOT S61 Speaker Bluetooth Subwoofer Stereo with Microphone