Detail WP 17 / 18 / 26 Keramik Gas Lens Nozzle TIG Torch No 5 6 7 8
Deskripsi Keramik Gas Lens Nozzle Tig Torch No 5 6 7 8
Ceramic Gas Nozzles. Ceramic gas nozzles made of silicon nitride from CeramTec are far less susceptible than steel nozzles to the high stress levels placed on them during the welding process. The surface of the ceramic material prevents welding drops from adhering to it and reduces slag formation. Nozel Gas Keramik. Nozel gas keramik yang terbuat dari silikon nitrida dari CeramTec jauh lebih tahan banting daripada nozel baja terhadap tingkat tegangan tinggi yang diberikan selama proses pengelasan. Permukaan bahan keramik mencegah tetesan las menempel padanya dan mengurangi pembentukan terak.
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WP 17 / 18 / 26 Keramik Gas Lens Nozzle TIG Torch No 5 6 7 8WP 17 / 18 / 26 Keramik Gas Lens Nozzle TIG Torch No 5 6 7 8WP 17 / 18 / 26 Keramik Gas Lens Nozzle TIG Torch No 5 6 7 8WP 17 / 18 / 26 Keramik Gas Lens Nozzle TIG Torch No 5 6 7 8