Detail WL01 - Walldecor Natural Woven Banana and Seagrass Metal Frame Inside
Using banana leaves, this unique wall art is fashioned by skilled local artisans into an airy design that draws on ancient Indonesian basket weaving traditions. A loop on the back lets you hang this very special piece anywhere that calls for a touch of texture and global allure.
Perpaduan Bahan Serat Alam yang tersedia Di Negara kita Tercinta - Serat pelepah - Serat Pandan Laut - Serat Sintetis - Benang Wolls - Rangka Kawat baja
Bentuk - Tampak Depan Bulat - Tampak Samping Cekung Seperti Wajan Penggorengan
Diameter : S : 40 cm M : 53 cm L : 60 cm
Gambar produk
WL01 - Walldecor Natural Woven Banana and Seagrass Metal Frame InsideWL01 - Walldecor Natural Woven Banana and Seagrass Metal Frame InsideWL01 - Walldecor Natural Woven Banana and Seagrass Metal Frame InsideWL01 - Walldecor Natural Woven Banana and Seagrass Metal Frame InsideWL01 - Walldecor Natural Woven Banana and Seagrass Metal Frame Inside