Detail Winsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolor Half Pan Refill Series 1 (1/2)
Winsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolor Half Pan Series 1
Part 1: Part 2:
Cotman Watercolours are a range of watercolours that are made to Winsor & Newton's high standards, but costs are kept to an economical level by replacing some of the more costly pigments with less expensive alternatives.
Available colours: (Mohon confirmasi / chat sebelum order) 1: Lemon Yellow Cadmium Yellow Pale Hue Gamboge Hue Cadmium Yellow Hue Cadmium Orange Hue Cadmium Red Pale Hue Cadmium Red Hue Cadmium Red Deep Hue Alizarin Crimson Hue Permanent Rose Rose Madder Hue Purple Lake Mauve Dioxazine Violet Ultramarine Cobalt Blue Hue Cerulean Blue Hue Turquoise Intense Blue (Phthalo Blue) Prussian Blue 2: Intense Green (Phthalo Green) Viridian Hue Emerald Hooker's Green Dark Hooker's Green Light Sap Green Raw Sienna Yellow Ochre Raw Umber Burnt Sienna Light Red Indian Red Vandyke Brown Burnt Umber Sepia Indigo Payne's Gray Ivory Black Lamp Black Chinese White
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Winsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolor Half Pan Refill Series 1 (1/2)Winsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolor Half Pan Refill Series 1 (1/2)