Detail Winsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolours set of 12 Half Pans With 1 Water Brush
This set includes Cotman watercolor half pans in -lemon yellow hue -Alizarin crimson -Dioxazine violet -Ultramarine -Turquoise -Viridian hue -Sap green -Yellow ochre -Burnt sienna Paynes gray -Lamp black -Chinese white
as well as a mixing palette and a water brush pen. The water brush pen is ideal for adding controlled splashes of water and color to sketches and drawings, without interruption or hassle.
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Winsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolours set of 12 Half Pans With 1 Water BrushWinsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolours set of 12 Half Pans With 1 Water BrushWinsor & Newton - Cotman Watercolours set of 12 Half Pans With 1 Water Brush