Washcloth BAMBOO little palmerhaus - sapu tangan bayi handuk kecil serbaguna bahan bamboo
Washcloth BAMBOO little palmerhaus - sapu tangan bayi handuk kecil serbaguna bahan bamboo
Deskripsi singkat
Ibu & Bayi > Perlengkapan Mandi > Jas Mandi, Handuk, & Lap Mandi > Washcloth BAMBOO little palmerhaus - sapu tangan bayi handuk kecil serbaguna bahan bamboo
AWAS! HATI HATI jangan terkecoh yang menjual murah dengan foto washcloth bamboo tapi yang dikirim tipe handuk mason (kualitas di bawah bamboo). Little Palmerhaus mengeluarkan 2 jenis washcloth (1 tipe handuk mason dan 1 premium bamboo).
Harga untuk pembelian 1 pcs (tanpa plastic bag). Beli langsung 1 bag (isi 4 pcs) lebih murah. Pilih random (mix) isi 4 pcs jika ingin warnanya di mix dalam 1 bag, tapi tdk bisa request warna yah :) no complain.
size: 25x25 cm
Bahan sangat lembut, handuk serbaguna, dibutuhkan para moms untuk membersihkan mulut bayi saat mpasi/sisa susu di mulut bayi, saat mandi, lap keringat bayi, dll dengan tetap menjaga kulit bayi yg masih sensitif.
- VERSATILE Use the washcloths as needed during bath time, meal time or if your precious childs makes a mess in the house. highly absorbent for spills, and durable to last multiple washes.
- ULTRA SOFT These washcloths are made for your baby''s delicate sensitive skin. they are super soft that you dont have to worry of scratching their delicate skin. Also naturally hypoallerganis and formaldehyde-free! Adults love them too. You can also use these washclothes for your face and easy makeup removal.