Detail Wardah - Crystallure Precious Lustre Prism Blush 10 g - Blush On (Hasil gemerlap, menyamarkan garis halus)
Bedak yang soft focus (menyamarkan garis halus) dengan coverage medium to high, memiliki tekstur yang halus dan silky sehingga mudah dibaurkan. Memiliki kandungan Crystalline Gold Powder Peptide yang dikenal mampu mengurangi tampilan kerutan pada wajah dengan menstimulasi regenerasi kulit.A powder foundation that gives fine lines blurring effect, with medium to high coverage and silky smooth texxture that is easy to blend. Contain Crystalline Gold Powder Peptide that known can reduce wrinkles appearance on the skin by stimulating skin regeneration.1. Aplikasikan dan ratakan produk pada wajah dengan dual-sided applicator: 2. Sisi sponge berwarna coklat untuk hasil yang lebih cover3. Sisi velvety flock (berbulu) untuk hasil lebih natural atau sebagai finishing powder1. Apply and blend product on face using the dual-sided applicator2. Sponge cream color side for a more coverage result3. Velvety flock side for a more natural result or as a finishing powder
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Wardah - Crystallure Precious Lustre Prism Blush 10 g - Blush On (Hasil gemerlap, menyamarkan garis halus)Wardah - Crystallure Precious Lustre Prism Blush 10 g - Blush On (Hasil gemerlap, menyamarkan garis halus)Wardah - Crystallure Precious Lustre Prism Blush 10 g - Blush On (Hasil gemerlap, menyamarkan garis halus)Wardah - Crystallure Precious Lustre Prism Blush 10 g - Blush On (Hasil gemerlap, menyamarkan garis halus)Wardah - Crystallure Precious Lustre Prism Blush 10 g - Blush On (Hasil gemerlap, menyamarkan garis halus)