Detail Wardah Crystallure Precious All Day Corrective Concealer 1.9 ml - High coverage
Liquid concealer dengan tekstur creamy yang ringan, memberikan coverage tinggi untuk menutup spot hitam dan area bawah mata, memberi efek menyamarkan garis-garis halus, dan tahan lama. Memiliki kandungan Crystalline Gold Powder Peptide yang dikenal mampu mengurangi tampilan kerutan pada wajah dengan menstimulasi regenerasi kulit, serta Moist-Lock Agent yang memberikan kelembaban pada kulit.A liquid concealer with weightless creamy texture that gives high coverage to cover dark spot and under eye area, gives fine lines blurring effect and longlasting. Contain Crystalline Gold Powder Peptide that known can reduce wrinkles appearance on the skin by stimulating skin regeneration, and Moist-Lock Agent that give moist by maintain moisture on skin.1. Click bagian ujung packaging (berwarna putih) hingga concealer membasahi aplikator.2. Aplikasikan concealer pada noda hitam, bekas jerawat, bawah mata, atau bagian lain pada wajah yang memiliki kondisi warna tidak merata.3. Ratakan concealer dengan gerakan tap perlahan1. Click packaging untul the product comes out at the tip of the applicator2. Apply concealer on dark spots, acne scars, under eye, or other face area with uneven colors3. Blend concealer by tap tap slowly
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Wardah Crystallure Precious All Day Corrective Concealer 1.9 ml - High coverageWardah Crystallure Precious All Day Corrective Concealer 1.9 ml - High coverageWardah Crystallure Precious All Day Corrective Concealer 1.9 ml - High coverageWardah Crystallure Precious All Day Corrective Concealer 1.9 ml - High coverageWardah Crystallure Precious All Day Corrective Concealer 1.9 ml - High coverage