Created from the heart of a volcano, pumice stones are a great alternative to scrubs. It’s foamy structure makes it ideal for getting out grime, and it’s supple yet solid texture are just the right strength to clean, and get rid of dry or excess skin without being overly rough. Pumice stones are god send for those with difficult to get rid of callouses, a scrub with this and it’ll be gone in no time.
Pumic stone / batu gosok,digunakan ketika mandi dengan cara menggosokkan ke bagian kaki atau daerah lainya yg berguna untuk menghilangkan kotoran atau sel sel kulit mati,biar kulit menjadi bersih dan nampak cerah..
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Utama Spice Pumice Stone / Batu GosokUtama Spice Pumice Stone / Batu Gosok