Detail USB Sound 7.1 Double Usb to Jack Sound Card
Produk 100% Original, Harga Distributor BERGARANSI 1 TAHUN
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Converter USB Sound 7.1 Double Usb to Jack Sound Card 1. 100% New. 2. LED indicators: Microphone-Mute Status, Activity 3. USB2.0 Full-Speed ( 12Mbps ) Specification 4. USB Class Specification 1.1 5. USB Audio Device Class Specification 1.0. USB bus-powered, no external power required. 6. The USB 2.0 External 7.1-Channel Audio Sound Card Adapter. It can work with either desktop or laptop. And with the Xear 3D Sound Simulation 7software, it extends stereo speaker or earphone to 7.1 channel environment, giving high quality sound enjoyment. 8. Connectors: USB Type A, DOUBLE Stereo output jack, mono microphone input jack 9. Xear 3D virtual 7.1 channel sound simulation software for Windows XP / Vista is included 10.Functions keys: Microphone-Mute, Speaker-Mute, Volume-Up and Volume-Down 11.Size: 57 x 25 x 12mm 12.Weight: 12g 13.System: Windows 2000/X P/Server 2003/ Vista, Windows 7/8.1/10, Mac OS
Selain digunakan untuk Soundcard external pada PC/Laptop, produk ini juga bisa digunakan untuk smarphone Android yang mendukung USB On The GO (USB OTG), untuk rekaman suara yg lebih baik saat smule, skype, dll gunakanlah produk ini.
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USB Sound 7.1 Double Usb to Jack Sound CardUSB Sound 7.1 Double Usb to Jack Sound CardUSB Sound 7.1 Double Usb to Jack Sound CardUSB Sound 7.1 Double Usb to Jack Sound Card