Detail UPS PROLINK Pro 1250 750Watt Super Fast Charging- PROLINK Pro1250 SFCU
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Model: Prolink Line Interaktif Code: PRO1250SFCU Capacity 1250VA Watt: 750 Dimension (mm) 320 x 130 x 182 (W x D x H)
FITUR: - Built-in super fast charger, battery can be recharged to 90% of its capacity within 2-4 hours - Universal socket - Excellent microprocessor control guarantees high reliability - Boost and buck AVR for voltage stabilization - Simulated Sine Wave - Off-mode charging - Cold start function - RJ45 ports (Fax/Modem Protection)
BATTERY Battery 12 V/8.2 Ah x 2 Backup Time Up to 40 mins tergantung beban (silahkan consul) Recharge Time (typical) 2-4 hours recover to 90% capacity