Detail Ubiquiti UMA-D Access Point Mesh DualBand Antena
The UniFi Antenna, model UMA-D, is an optional mesh antenna designed to work with the Access Point Mesh and model UAP-AC-M. With dual-band support, the UMA-D expands range coverage and provides customized pattern shaping. Features: Outdoor Weather-Resistant Enclosure High Efficiency Directional Radiation Pattern Dual-Band, Dual-Polarity Optimized for 802.11ac Ball Joint 3-Axis Mount for Precise Aiming Wall/Poll Mount Included for Versatile Installation Enclosure Characteristics Outdoor UV Stabilized Plastic RF Connections (2) RP-SMA Supported Frequency Range 2.4-2.5GHz, 5.1-5.9GHz 2.4GHz Band Gain 10dBi HPOL Beamwidth 90 VPOL Beamwidth 90 Elevation Beamwidth 90 Maximum VSWR 2:1 Polarization Dual-Linear Cross-Pol Isolation 25dB 5GHz Band Gain 15dBi HPOL Beamwidth 45 VPOL Beamwidth 45 Elevation Beamwidth 45 Maximum VSWR 2:1 Polarization Dual-linear Cross-Pol Isolation 30dB =================================================== 1. Garansi resmi Distributor 1 tahun 2. Barang yang sudah dibeli tidak bisa diretur, kecuali kerusakan internal (sistem) dan harus ada bukti video unboxing DAN harus ada bukti kerusakan saat diterima (VIDEO TIDAK BOLEH DIEDIT! VIDEO EDITAN LANGSUNG DITOLAK!) 3. Segel garansi sobek sebelum diklaim, langsung void dan kami berhak untuk menolak segala alasan! 4. Setiap pembelanjaan akan dibuka plastik / lakban untuk segel! 5. Membeli artinya menyetujui persyaratan diatas.
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Ubiquiti UMA-D Access Point Mesh DualBand AntenaUbiquiti UMA-D Access Point Mesh DualBand AntenaUbiquiti UMA-D Access Point Mesh DualBand Antena