Detail U-blox NEO-M8N GPS Module Compass with On-board Compass M8 Engine PX4 Pixhawk TR For OCDAY Drone GPS
Terbuat dari bahan berkualitas dengan pengerjaan yang baik, dapat diandalkan dan aman digunakan. Dengan modul GPS kompas sehingga nyaman digunakan. Dengan kecepatan pencarian satelit yang cepat dan presisi tinggi. Didukung antena aktif dan pasif. Telah dilakukan Pra-konfigurasi, Di-flash dengan pengaturan yang benar, dan diuji.
Descriptions: Anti jamming Active CW detection and removal. Extra onboard SAW band pass filter (NEO-M8N/Q). Data-logger For position, velocity, and time (NEO-M8N). With sticker, it is easy and quick to install.
Specifications: Concurrent GNSS: up to 10 Hz tracking sensitivity: -161dBm Capture sensitivity: -148dBm Cold start time: 38s average Warm start time: 35s average Hot start time: 1s average Capture time: 0.1s Average Temperature: 40 to +80 Sensitivity2 Tracking & Nav: -167 dBm Cold starts: -148 dBm Hot starts: -156 dBm RTC crystal: Built-In wide power supply voltage: +3.5V~+5.5V Ublox GPS Module V2.0 Material: plastic Size: 55mm Package size: 155x90mm Color: black
Package included: 1 x NEO-M8N GPS Module 1 x sticker
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U-blox NEO-M8N GPS Module Compass with On-board Compass M8 Engine PX4 Pixhawk TR For OCDAY Drone GPSU-blox NEO-M8N GPS Module Compass with On-board Compass M8 Engine PX4 Pixhawk TR For OCDAY Drone GPSU-blox NEO-M8N GPS Module Compass with On-board Compass M8 Engine PX4 Pixhawk TR For OCDAY Drone GPSU-blox NEO-M8N GPS Module Compass with On-board Compass M8 Engine PX4 Pixhawk TR For OCDAY Drone GPSU-blox NEO-M8N GPS Module Compass with On-board Compass M8 Engine PX4 Pixhawk TR For OCDAY Drone GPSU-blox NEO-M8N GPS Module Compass with On-board Compass M8 Engine PX4 Pixhawk TR For OCDAY Drone GPS