Detail TXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY Return
PARAMETER PRODUK Nama produk: Telepon mengontrol drone Model produk: TXD-8S(L) Waktu penerbangan: Uji selama 25 menit Jarak penerbangan: Jarak aman 150-200m Parameter baterai: baterai lithium 3.7v 2000mAh Baterai remote control: 4 baterai AA Ukuran produk: 27x27x11cm Warna opsional: Hitam, putih Waktu pengisian daya: 120 menit atau kurang Frekuensi kendali jarak jauh: 2.4Ghz Lingkungan penerbangan: Dalam dan luar ruangan Fungsi produk: Kontrol somatosensori, perpindahan gigi kecepatan, naik turun satu tombol, Tinggi tetap hover, fungsi transfer gambar, fungsi foto360. belakang, enam sumbu giroskop, mode tanpa kepala 27CM 11CM 27CM 27CM
Gambar produk
TXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY ReturnTXD - 8S - 4K The phone controls the drone Version Dual AntiShake Self-Stabilized - A KEY Return