Detail Tuttle Blue Flame Plus Medium Hard - 2015 Good
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warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang ada
warna spons : hijau
thickness : 2.1 mm
hardness : medium hard
review :
~ tulisan di karet : 2015 Good.
~ jadi ini adalah karet “2015 Good” versi spons lebih tipis dan lebih keras.
Speed : 14 Spin : 15 Control : 15
2015 Good is a kind of rubber with new concept developed for new generation of “New Material 40+ Ball” by TUTTLE Company, in despite of features of the raw rubber.
It is also characterized with outstanding property, much more sufficient and rigid, flexible spinning, extraordinary elasticity, quicker speed, much more intensive control, and louder sound, therefore it is widely loved by the players.
Made in China.
Gambar produk
Tuttle Blue Flame Plus Medium Hard - 2015 GoodTuttle Blue Flame Plus Medium Hard - 2015 Good