Detail Tropicana Slim Classic - Pemanis Anti Diabet
Tropicana Slim Sweetener Classic merupakan produk pemanis buatan yang mengandung kalori rendah sehingga aman dikonsumsi oleh penderita diabetes.
Rasa manis yang terdapat pada produk ini tidak berbahaya sehingga tidak juga meningkatkan resiko terjadinya diabetes atau gula darah.
Tropicana Slim Sweetener Classic is one of the excellent Tropicana Slim products that has been trusted by the Indonesian people for 40 years, now it can also be enjoyed in 30 countries in the world. You can taste the sweetness of Tropicana Slim Sweetener Classic without worrying about the sugar contained therein, this product is sugar free and also low in calories.
So it is suitable for consumption to support your low-calorie diet program and prevent diabetes. Containing only 5 calories, Tropicana Slim Sweetener Classic can provide a healthy sweet taste for your various types of drinks.
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Tropicana Slim Classic - Pemanis Anti DiabetTropicana Slim Classic - Pemanis Anti DiabetTropicana Slim Classic - Pemanis Anti Diabet