Detail Trisonic DVD Player Mp3 Berkualitas Awet Disc Lengkap Dengan USB
Trisonic DVD Player Mp3 DIVX Berkualitas Awet HDCD Disc Lengkap Dengan USB
Spesifikasi :
1. State-of-the art MPEG-II decoding technology. Fully compatible DVD, CVCD, VCD, DVD+R, DVD_RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, CD, CD-DA, CDRW. Kodak picture CD Disc compatible. Progresive scan (Y Pb Pr) Output. Compatible with linear PCS audio. Optical and Coaxial digital audio output 24-bit/96 Khz. Audio D/A coverter. Advance 10-bit/24 Mhz Video D/a converter with over 500 lines of horisontal resolution. Compatible with full DVD playback function. Multi-Angled, Multi-Language, Multi-Story.
Ukuran Kemasan : 25 x 37 x 6cm Berat : 1150 gram
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Trisonic DVD Player Mp3 Berkualitas Awet Disc Lengkap Dengan USBTrisonic DVD Player Mp3 Berkualitas Awet Disc Lengkap Dengan USBTrisonic DVD Player Mp3 Berkualitas Awet Disc Lengkap Dengan USB