Travel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type C
Travel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type C
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Handphone & Aksesoris > Handphone & Aksesoris Lainnya > Travel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type C
Detail Travel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type C
Ready Boss... Safety ; Strict quality ,exquisite detail ,the necesary digital charger for modern home trip .Every charger after 49 production technology ,26 items of safety testing strictly filow the bad test 72 hours ,high stabily ,Fire safety materials ,Strict examation and certification ,high product quality. Feature ; Intelligent matching current ,Intelligent of blind plung ,every mouth is the fastest safety speed USB charging high effciency safe and reliable BE APPLICABLE ; It is compatible with avariety of digital devices .With corresponding usb connection cables,charging for phone,pad, smart phone ,mp 4,psp,cps,bluetooth devince and tablets charge etc Power Adaptor ; Input ;100-240VAC,50/60Hz.0.35A Out put ;5v~3.0A/9V~2A/12V~1.5A
Ketentuan Garansi : 1. Garansi tidak berlaku jika: a. Tidak ditemukan adanya kerusakan b. Kerusakan disebabkan oleh faktor luar/di luar kuasa c. Kerusakan akibat dari kesalahan pemakaian (terjatuh, tergores, ternoda, pecah, terkena air, dll.) 2. Syarat klaim: a. Unit masih dalam masa garansi dan sesuai dengan kebijakan garansi yang telah ditetapkan b. Kelengkapan dari unit harus disertai secara lengkap (dus, kabel charger, buku manual, kartu garansi, dll) c. Dilengkapi dengan nota pembelian (print out history pembelian) dan informasi kerusakan unit
Note: Hubungi customer service kami melalui layanan chat, untuk mengetahui prosedur klaim Retur atau Garansi lebih lanjut.
Gambar produk
Travel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type CTravel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type CTravel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type CTravel Charger Ak -778 Realme Ak-779 Oppo Ak-770 Vivo 25 W Qualcomm 3.0 Fast Charging Micro & Type C